Email Protection: User Quarantine (End-User Guide)

The article describes the possible ways how end-users can manage their quarantine messages. End-users can access their User Quarantine Area through:

  • The quarantine report they get delivered to their inbox by clicking on Manage quarantine email in their quarantine report email.
  • My Services by clicking on the Email Protection icon.

There are four types of settings users can manage:

Quarantined Emails

If Account Administrator has enabled the User Quarantine option, end-users will receive email quarantine reports.

These reports will allow end-users to do the following:

  • View - Will allow you to preview a quarantined message
  • Allow - Will release this individual email and deliver it to your Inbox

On mobile devices Quarantined Emails can be accessed with a Manage quarantine email link. This will open user's Quarantine area in a browser.

On that page end-users can select quarantined email and swipe left or right to:

  • Allow Sender - Will release the selected & other emails and add the senders` email addresses to your safe senders list
  • Allow - Will release this individual email and deliver it to your Inbox
  • Block - Will block any emails from this sender, or domain. It will also add the sender or domain to your blocked sender list
  • Delete - Will delete this individual email from the quarantine

To manage Quarantined Email via My Services:

Login to My Services portal > click on the Email Protection icon > select Manage Quarantine email option.

Through this page you can apply actions either email per email or in bulk. The following actions are available for individual processing of emails:

  • View - Will allow you to preview a quarantined message. Web links will not be available if the message contains any, nor will you see any images
  • Allow - Will release this individual email and deliver it to your Inbox
  • Always allow - Will release any emails from this sender, or domain, and deliver them to your Inbox. It will also add the sender or domain to your safe sender list
  • Block - Will block any emails from this sender, or domain. It will also add the sender or domain to your blocked sender listDelete - Will delete this individual email from the quarantine

Once Allow/Always allow/Block/Delete option is applied, the message will not be aссessible through the Quarantine area anymore.

The following actions are available for bulk processing of emails:

  • Allow once – Will release the selected emails and deliver them to your Inbox.
  • Always allow sender – Will release the selected & other emails and add the senders` email addresses to your safe senders list.
  • Always allow domain – Will release the selected & other emails and add the senders` domains to your safe senders list.
  • Delete – Will delete the selected emails from the quarantine.
  • Block sender – Will delete the selected & other emails from the quarantine and add the senders` email addresses to your blocked senders list.
  • Block domain – Will delete the selected & other emails from the quarantine and add senders` domains to your blocked senders list.

Once bulk action is chosen, a pop up window will ask you to confirm or decline your request.

  • Bulk actions availability depends on User Quarantine permission set by Account Administrator. Contact your Account Administrator if some options are not available for you.
  • Messages are stored in User quarantine for 30 days only.
  • Email Protection generates separate Quarantine Reports for Distribution Lists. All members of a Distribution List receive quarantine report for this Distribution List.

Also, the users can run the search and filter the quarantined emails. End-users can use the following filters: subject, from address and time frame.

End-users can also run different searches and filter the quarantined emails. To start a new search, you click on Advanced search > fill in the boxes > Search.

Important: the option Delete all <number> emails is applied to all emails in the Quarantine, not just to the search results.

Safe and Blocked senders

Note: if the entry is whitelisted or blacklisted on the account-wide level, adding entries to the personal Safe and Blocked senders lists will not work.

In order to add new entries to the personal Safe/Blocked senders list, switch to the Safe and Blocked senders tab.

In order to manage Safe and Blocked senders via My Services:

Login to My Services portal > click Email Protection icon > select Manage Safe And Blocked Senders lists.

Note: end-users can add IP addresses to their personal Safe and Blocked senders lists if they are given permission to do so. If you are unable to add IP addresses to your personal lists, contact your Account Administrator.


Under the Settings tab, end-users can modify several parameters for delivery of quarantine reports:

  • select the time zone when quarantine reports are generated
  • select days when quarantine emails are delivered
  • set the time interval when reports are delivered
  • enable/disable Quarantine email reports and summaries

To select the interval between reports click on the suitable option, it will be automatically enabled.

To set a timeframe to receive email notifications swipe the switch on button and set Delivery starts from and Delivery stops after time.

Users can control the number of the quarantine emails included into Quarantine Report:
Also, end-users can manage the settings of delivery the Weekly Quarantine Summary by selecting the day and adjusting the frequency of the summary.

Email Aliases

Under Email Aliases, users can see the list of aliases associated with user's mailbox.


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